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Text File | 1997-06-23 | 63.3 KB | 1,307 lines |
- [Clove captioned for the ham impaired....]
- ___. ._.. __. ._ _ __ ._. _.__ _._. .__ _ ._ __.(Morse Code recipe)
- _______ <- Scratch Here For Your Instant Recipe Prize!
- "Gimme a bottle of anything, and a glazed donut - TO GO!" - D.L. Roth
- "I can't eat fast food so I eat turtles."
- "I drank WHAT!?" - Socrates
- "I know the runny green stuff's potato. What's the black gravel?"
- "I used to have a dog, but he wouldn't eat my wife's leftovers."
- "I'm getting indigestion just looking at this."
- "I'm the dishwasher out back. Hide my tip in the gravy."
- "If you find a pork chop in your soup, it belongs to table nine."
- "If you order the chili, I need to know your next of kin."
- "If you want instant coffee, you'll have to wait!"
- "Is it OK if I eat while you're smoking?"
- "It comes with three vegetables: two peas and a carrot."
- "Marriage is give and take. I eat your cooking so you do the dishes."
- "My dog loves people. But mostly he gets canned dog food."
- "Now I know why tigers eat their young." - R. Dangerfield
- "Of course it's half eaten. You said you wanted the chef's salad."
- "Take that back! It tastes like the stuff my wife makes."
- "The kitchen's on fire again."
- "The little gray bits are non-stick frying pan."
- "The recipe says a pinch of spice. I thought it said a 'pound'."
- "Today's special is all the caviar you can eat for $600."
- "We have two sorts of pies: undercooked and overcooked."
- "We'll have to dinner out. The toaster's broken."
- "Whaddyer mean, 'I burnt the oatmeal'?... That's coffee!"
- "What's a good wine to take away the taste of this food?"
- "You don't need your teeth. It's soup."
- (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (G)o fix the coffee
- (D)inner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza.
- (singing) Girls, they wanna have recipes!
- (singing): Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam!
- (singing): Spam, spam, it comes in a can..
- (singing): Spam, spam, it comes in a can...And elephants come in quarts!
- (starting to chant) Spam spam spam spam spam...
- (This recipe deleted due to lack of interest)
- (This recipe intentionally left blank)
- (_)] <- Short Beer.
- * <-- Tribble . <-- Tribble after Jenny Craig
- * <-- Tribble . <-- Tribble after NutriSystem
- * <-- Tribble . <-- Tribble on Dexitrim
- * <-- Tribble <--*-o-*-o-*-o-*-o-*--- <-- |ribble & onion kabob.
- * <-- Tribble | <-- anorexic Tribble
- ** ERROR ** Unable to insert tasty recipe.
- ***** 5 Star Award for Most Best Recipe of the Month!
- *CLEARED* This recipe approved by Canada Customs *CLEARED*
- *Read recipes*...*Dump Recipes*...You don't *SAVE* Recipes??? AARRGGHH!!!
- -> <- Invisible recipe, send $10 for viewer.
- -[Insert clever crunchy frog recipe here]-
- ... :.::: ::..: ::.::. :..:: (recipe in Braille)
- 1001 ways to Wok your Dog....
- 2 kids, 2 hamburgers, 2 fries, $2.00
- 20 dollars? Aww, I wanted a Peanut! - Homer Simpson
- 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, Hmmm.....
- 24 hours in a day. 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not!
- 2B or not 2B? Hamlet as unsuccessful Pizza Delivery Boy.
- 3 Deadly Sins: Spam, Velveeta and Jello
- 3 Deadly Sins: Tofu, Avocados & Alfalfa sprouts
- 39. A beer's life does not revolve around the football.
- 4 of 5 Sysops prefer doughnuts. The 5th demands pizza.
- 4 out of 5 sysops prefer donuts. One likes women, but she's weird.
- 5 or 6 days after eating Italian food - I'm hungry again!
- 666 - value of the Beefeater beast
- 666 F - oven temperature of the roast beast
- 6UP: Missing link in evolutionary chain from 1UP to 7UP.
- 7 days without pizza makes one weak.
- 79 for Banana Walrus Wafers? That's a scandal!
- 8 bagles for $1.49 -- limit 3
- 8 out of 5 people like chocolate...
- 80% of people die of NATURAL causes!
- 99% of all ferret recipes are recycled cat recipes.
- < bad recipe removed to avoid embarrassment. >
- <--- Grains Of Salt. Add a pinch to the above recipe.
- <<<recipe ERROR>>> Report to tech support.
- <<recipe moved to upper memory>>, press <Esc> to continue.
- <bing!> Initiating recipe assimilation sequence.
- <disclaimer: as usual you should seek competent medical advice.>
- <ERROR #57> Please report this error to recipe support.
- <Fido burps in background and wags his tail>
- <This recipe has been removed by Canada Customs>
- <thump> <thump> <thump> Is this recipe thing turned on?
- @N@ - About as sharp as jello.
- @N@ - The person who brought you the beer milkshake.
- @N@ can be outwitted by a jar of marshmallow fluff.
- A beer can't interrupt.
- A beer doesn't care if you go shopping.
- A beer doesn't have to sleep with the windows open.
- A beer doesn't mind having pantyhose dry in the bathroom.
- A beer doesn't mind when your mother visits.
- A beer doesn't snore.
- A beer doesn't sulk.
- A beer doesn't think black leather bikinis are neat.
- A beer doesn't want to go out alone with the other beers.
- A beer lasts longer than seven seconds.
- A beer NEVER leaves the toilet seat up.
- A beer never needs a shave.
- A beer tastes good.
- A beer will only come when you want it to.
- A beer won't switch the TV channel.
- A beer would never make fun of your new outfit.
- A beer wouldn't waste its money on Playbeer magazine.
- A beer's life does not revolve around the football.
- A bird in the hand makes brilliant cat-food.
- A bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down -- And won - John Prine
- A bun is the lowest form of wheat.
- A burp is not an answer - Bart Simpson
- A caribou by any other name is still a big 'ol hairy deer looking thing.
- A competent and reliable dishwasher never starves. -- Heinlein
- A craving for Tofu and Avacados? Am I pregnant?
- A day without orange juice is like a day without vodka.
- A day without Pizza just doesn't slice it
- A diet is a short period of starvation preceding a gain of five pounds.
- A few beers short of a six-pack.
- A few fish short of a string.
- A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee.
- A food is not necessarily essential just because your child hates it!
- A free lunch is only found in mousetraps.
- A GOOD friend KEEPS the surplus zucchini.
- A good recipe is a snagged recipe!
- A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
- A hen is an egg's way of making another egg.
- A hungry dog hunts best. A hungrier dog hunts even better.
- A large pizza, a case of beer, and @TOFIRST@ to go, please.
- A lighter Dark Beer is an oxymoron
- A little fermented curd will do the trick.
- A man between two lawyers, is like a fish between two cats.
- A man needs a woman like a fish needs a bicycle.
- A man who turns green has eschewed protein.
- A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.
- A mere charicature of a recipe.
- A messy kitchen is the sign of a sexy woman.
- A moose by any other name is still a big 'ol hairy deer looking thing.
- A morning without coffee is like something without something else.
- A piston engine? What did ya buy that for? It was on sale.
- A Portable Hole holds a lot of beer.
- A Recipe for Borsht? Beets me.
- A Redneck's Seven Course Dinner: Possum and a six pack!
- A rose is a rose, but a decent enchilada...Now you're talking!
- A snagged recipe is still a recipe.
- A steel pinata? This could take hours! -- Crow T. Robot
- A thrill comparable to the cleaning the oven
- A time to write a recipe, a time to snag a recipe...
- A toast -- To a kinder gentler echo
- A warm beer is better than no beer at all
- A Warrior does NOT snag recipes - Worf
- A Watched Pot May Never Boil, But the Cook Certainly Does
- A watched pot never boils, try turning on the heat
- A whole boiled egg! Two years of night school finally paid off.
- A wok is what you throw at a wabbit.
- A woman drove me to drink. I never properly thanked her.
- A woman is like... a beer! -Homer Simpson
- AARRGGHH!! These aren't recipes!! They're infestations!!
- ABMs?... We don neeed no steeenkin ABMs.
- About three fries short of a Happy Meal...
- Ach, me recipe base! It canna take n'more, Capt'n! -Scotty
- Actually it's not replying that takes time, it's choosing a recipe.
- ADAM and EVE VIRUS: takes several bytes out of your Apple!
- Adam had the first soda fountain; he made Eve's cherry pop.
- Adventure is the champagne of life. -- Chesterson
- After dinner, he said, Your modem or mine?
- After God created woman, He atoned by creating beer.
- After two weeks of dieting, all I lost was two weeks
- Ah know whut a bagel is but whut kinda dawg is a lox?
- Ah! Stirring times we live in... stirring times. -- Hardy
- Ah, the traditional Yuletide cabbage! -- Crow T. Robot
- Ah-Ha! Caught you snagging my recipes again!
- Albatross? What flavor is it?
- Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, Chocolate: The 4 Food Groups
- Alcoholic: anti-sobriety activist
- Aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall....
- Alfred Hitchcooking: Stabbing the frozen peas to get them to cook faster.
- All available recipes are busy... One will be with you shortly.
- All I know is what I read in the recipes.
- All my good recipes are at the cleaners.
- All my good recipes are on my other computer.
- All my recipes are original; SOMEONE had to make them up!
- All recipes require at least one extra trip to the store.
- All right, who's been turning my messages into recipes?
- All Scottish food is based on a dare.
- All things being equal, fat people use more soap.
- All this beer and only one mouth.
- All true wisdom is found in recipes.
- Allasis: One-stop gas/food/everything store in the middle of nowhere.
- Always keep beer in a dark place. <--Notebooks of LL again
- Always store beer in a dark place. -- Heinlein
- Am I right in thinking there's a real frog in 'ere?
- Amazing what caffeine and no sense of self-preservation can do...
- American beer is like sex in a canoe. F*cking close to water
- Americans call it fast food because it speeds them to the grave.
- An Aardvark is not just for Christmas anymore.
- An oyster is a fish built like a nut.
- And garnished with lark's vomit.
- And God smote Egypt with a plague of zucchini...
- And I sure am enjoying this so-called 'Iced Cream'. - Monty Burns
- And Madonna thinks *she's* innovative...
- And now for another...Useless Fact.
- AND NOW, Scumbag, I'd like to intoduce you to Pat, our Moderator...
- And the Lord Said let there be Light, then had a beer.
- And the people did feast upon the lambs, and stoats..
- And then Lancelot, Robin and I will jump out of the Rabbit.
- And they harvested the charcoal briquets. -- Crow T. Robot
- And this just in: Fisherman arrested for being a hooker - film at 11.
- And what *is* the most popular cheese 'round hyah?
- And, boy, does it catch fish! -- Joel Robinson
- Another Recipe Kidnapped! Suspect Fido Ate It! GIFs at Eleven!
- Another tasty recipe!
- ANTACID: what ants use to get high.
- Any religion that rejects coffee worships a false god.
- Anyone could do it with a *recipe* ....
- Anyone got a good recipe for me ?
- Anyone Posting Tribble recipes Will Be Shot.
- Anytime's the right time for waffles! -- Joel Robinson
- Appuyez sur ALT-A pour le version d'Anglaise de cette recipe bilingue
- Aquarist: spends $1000 to watch $20 worth of fish.
- Are beer commercials great or what?
- Are Cheerios really donut seeds?...
- Are dog biscuits made from Collie Flour?
- Are those cookies made with real Girl Scouts?
- Are you suggesting that coconuts are migratory? - Monty Python
- Are you sure these recipes are safe???
- Are you the Fish Fryer? No, I'm the Chip Monk.
- Army food: The spoils of war.
- As a matter of fact, I like beer.
- As a rule I don't drink--as a habit I do!
- As American as English muffins and French toast.
- As lacking in privacy as a goldfish.
- Assembler Command: FBI: Free Beer Inside.
- Attention Dieters! Hit >ENTER< now! SAVE YOURSELVES!!!
- ATTENTION recipe Shoppers! snag 2, get 1 FREE!
- Attention! The buffet is now being served. -- Magic Voice
- Attn Gadgets Anonymous: A capucino machine that also takes pictures.
- Australian beer is made with kangaroo hops.
- Avoid making irrevocable decisions while hungry. -- Heinlein
- AWK! read the message instead of recipes....
- Bachelor's All Purpose Cookbook: Microwave on High until Hot!
- Bacteria: Lunchroom for chiropractors.
- Bacteria: The rear portion of the cafeteria.
- Bagginses keep snagging our recipes, my preciousssss...
- Baked beans are off!
- Baking motto: I knead more dough!ÿ
- Balanced diet: four pounds of chocolate with four pounds of cake.
- Banana Jam? Is this something to eat or a party game?
- Bar-B-Coup: When a relative commandeers the outdoor grill.
- Bartender, I'd like whatever the man on the floor was drinking.
- Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple pie, NRA!
- Be kind to dumb animals, and give small birds rootbeer.
- Beans are neither fruit nor musical - Bart Simpson
- Bear Whiz Beer : It's in the water thats why it's...
- Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
- Beeeep! This is a test of the emergency recipe system.
- Been there, done that, *s*w*i*p*ed the recipes.
- Beer - It's not just a breakfast food anymore
- BEER ... It's not just for Breakfast anymore!
- Beer and women: Two of God's best gifts to mankind.
- Beer bottles and blondes are both empty from the neck up.
- Beer can's empty! Memory Full! Zzzzzzzzz....
- Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend @fn@ here.
- Beer goggles-see the world thru the eyes of drunk.
- Beer Gut? Nah, I got pregnant before I had the sex change.
- Beer in MODERATION is Good, In EXCESS its even BETTER !
- Beer is Better: Beer is always in season.
- Beer is Better: Eating cucumbers to forget doesn't.
- Beer kills brain cells, but only the weak ones...
- Beer makes the world go `round (and `round, and `round...
- Beer math is two beers times 37 men equals 49 cases.
- Beer not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
- Beer Nuts are $1.29 but Deer Nuts are under a buck.
- Beer nuts: The dreaded final stage of cotton balls.
- Beer will be the urination of me!
- Beer!, Now that's a temporary solution.
- Beer, Is there nothing it can't do.
- Beer, Mr. Peterson? Ok, but stop me at 1...well, 1:30.
- Beer, Normie?...Uh, I dunno, I had one this week. Why not, I'm still young.
- Beer, Wine and Women --- Is't Life Great !!!
- Beer. Budweiser. Cold. - Riker
- BEER... Drink your daily B-complex with a foamy head.
- Beer.... not just a breakfast beverage anymore!!
- Beer.....beer...beer.....beer....beer....beer.....beer...
- BEER...the breakfast of Champions.
- Beer: It makes me a jolly old fellow.
- Beer: Nectar of the Gods, or Urine of the Yeast?
- Beercan Located. Operator Loaded.
- Beertender, bring me another bar!
- BEERWARE ===If it works, buy yourself a beer!
- Before TV was invented I wonder if they had radio dinners?
- Being an idiot is no box of chocolates.
- Best for a case of nerves is a case of beer.
- Better recipes Through Assimilation.
- Better recipes through confiscation.
- Betty Crocker is a flour child!
- Betty Crocker is moist and easy? Should this be on TV?
- Beware of health books ... you might die of a misprint
- Big 7-11 item, provolone. -- Tom Servo
- Bill Clinton: the Spam of world leaders
- Blank recipe: paint it, draw on it, be creative!
- Blondes and Beerbottles: both empty from the neck up.
- Bodily Functions: Make room for more beer.
- Bold? Well, hell yes it's bold! -- Mike Nelson
- BorgerKing- Have it our way; your way is irrelevant.
- Bourbon: Breakfast of Champions.
- Brains by Oxford, Body by beer!
- Braise the Lord: 325 degrees, 1 hour.
- Breakfast is the most boring meal of the day. -- Crow T. Robot
- Brilliant...Genius...Best message of 1995! -The Toronto Star
- Brook of recipes, where we just babble on and on...
- Brought to you by the anarcho-syndicalist commune. - Monty Python
- Bruise: A six-pack.
- Buccaneer: Very expensive corn on-the-cob.
- Budget the luxuries *first*! -- Heinlein
- Build-A-recipe Kit: 1/4 1/2 cup spoon fry simmer add mix chill
- Bullfight: One man versus a half-ton of pissed-off pot roast.
- Bunnies and beer don't mix.
- But first, this word from Maxwell House.
- But horse radish does *not* go with chicken!
- But I don't like Spam!
- But not Spam, Spam, Bacon, Eggs and Spam Quiche.
- But occifer, I only had ONE beer! said Bud wisely.
- But people in hell want ice-water, too...
- But, Mom, I don't like cats. Shutup and eat your dinner.
- Buzzbundle: A six-pack of beer.
- Byte: A little nibble.
- C:\COFFEE.POT missing: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)all_Asleep
- Cabbage: The age of a taxi.
- California is a fine place to live, if you are an orange.
- California Raisins murdered - cereal killer suspected!
- Call 1-900-recipe/New recipes daily/Only $3.95 per minute.
- Can anybody think of a good recipe I can snag?
- Can O' Worms. Open, Heat, & Eat. Ready in 15 mins.
- Can you tell I need more recipes?
- Cannibal: A person who is fed up with people.
- Cannibalism: intra-species dining
- Cannibals consider joggers to be Fast Food.
- Cannibals don't eat lawyers.
- Cannot understand recipe: <A>bort, <R>etry, <C>ook anyway?
- Cappuchino is the dessert form of coffee.
- Captain, we're out of Columbian coffee.
- Cash value of this recipe: 1/20 of 1 cent.
- Casserole: Yesterdays leftovers incognito.
- Cat: Pit bull junk food.
- Cat: A small, furry beast resembling a meatloaf.
- Cats are nice but does anyone have any good FERRET recipes?
- CAUTION! recipes may be hazardous to your disk space!
- CAUTION! This recipe offensive to some audiences.
- Caviar Emptor; Let the Fish Beware!
- Ceci n'est pas une recipe
- Celery is not food. It is a member of the plywood family.
- Cereal Killer Strikes Again - does it for Kix!
- Cereal Killer Strikes Again! Cap'n Crunch found dead
- Chain recipe - snagged [385] times - Add 1 to # when snagged.
- Chain recipe- Copy and send to six friends for good luck.
- Cheerios: Hula-hoops for ants.
- Cheese: Milk's leap toward immortality.
- Chef: Any cook that swears in French.
- Cherchez la fizz: Look for the Alka Seltzer.
- Chili is a spritual event not a food.
- Chimp Sorbet! -- Crow T. Robot
- Chip: Not spensive.
- Chipfault: The point on a chip where it breaks in the dip.
- Chipmunks roasting on an open fire.
- Chocolate - Tastes good and improves your sex life.
- Chocolate covered spam -- a true WARRIOR'S food!
- Chocolate is a serious thing! - Counselor Troi
- Chocolate is serious business -- Deanna
- Chocolate moose: 1 medium size moose, 20 pounds chocolate.
- Chocolate, men, coffee - some things are better rich.
- Chocolate: The other major food group.
- Choking on a beernut? Apply the Heineken maneuver.
- Cholesterol: The stuff in food that makes it taste good.
- Chopped Cabbage; not just a good idea, its the SLAW!
- Christios, the cereal of zealots. They walk on milk!
- Classified Recipe: Please Enter Password:_ _ _ _ _
- Click... click... click... Damn! Out of recipes!
- Close only counts in horseshoes and lemonade or something...
- COFFEE AND DONUTS: Unitarian communion.
- Coffee and Echo mail are my second and third favorite things in the AM.
- Coffee in England is just toasted milk.
- Coffee is good food.
- Coffee is not for kids. --Bart Simpson.
- Coffee line forms here. Take a number.
- Coffee not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)all asleep
- Coffee, black and strong. -- Cooper
- Coffee, tea, monster... coffee, tea, monster... - Dot Warner
- Coffee: The pharmacological basis of consciousness.
- Coffee? Tea? Weasel spit?
- Cogito, ergo Hormel - I think, therefore I Spam.
- COLDBEER.CAN found, programmer probably loaded.
- COLDBEER.CAN not found, Sysop not loaded
- Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage.
- Condiment man! Get your condiments! -- Tom Servo
- Conferences come and go, but recipes hang on forever!
- Consciousness: visualize whirled peas
- Contains less than 2% U.S. RDA for this echo
- Contentsofrecipemaysettleduringshipping.
- Cooking Instructions: Preheat Microwave to 450 degrees...
- Corn flakes with gin... -- Tom Servo
- CottonBalls: Advanced stage of Beernuts disease.
- Couch potatoes have brain tubers.
- Could Basil make thyme with Rosemary?
- Cowboy Jim's Original Red Hot Gunpowder Chili!
- Cowboy Mike's Original Red Hot Ricochet Barbecue Sauce!
- Creating recipes is an artform... snaging all of them is an obsession!
- Creative marketing: 15 doughnut shops next to 4 weight loss clinics.
- Crunchy, raw, unboned, real, dead frog!
- CT Legislature: A recipe? Are you SURE it's not taxable?
- Curds are whey out.
- Cut my pizza in six slices, please. I can't eat eight slices!
- Cwcycdcxnwcwjxncwcwnvcnwncwcycdcxnwcwjxncwcwnvcnwncwd -Welsh recipe
- Dad, what does peanut butter grow on? -- Zachary Butler
- Damnit where'd I leave that recipe?
- Dang it, I left my good recipes in my other reader!
- Darn the cholesterol, full fat ahead!
- Darn, No good recipes To snag!
- Darn. I thought of a GREAT recipe, but now I can't remember it.
- Decadence is its own reward.
- Decaffienated coffee table; You can't even see a difference.
- Decaffienated coffee? But...why?
- Decaffienated coffee? Just Say No.
- Decaffienated coffee? Kinda like kissing your sister.
- Decaffienated coffee? What's the point of THAT!?
- Decision '92 : Four more beers! Four more beers! .
- Definition of a pickle: A cucumber soured by a jarring experience.
- Deja Brew: the feeling that you've had this beer before.
- Deja Roux: The feeling you've eaten this gravy before.
- Deja stew: The feeling you've eaten this leftover before.
- Delicate: A dainty kitten who likes kosher.
- Deliver: What too much alcohol affects.
- Dessert? I'll take a piece of cherry....
- Did someone say fish? I haven't been fed all day. -- Catwoman
- Did someone say.....CHOCOLATE?!
- Did you know that in Canada they do not sell Moosehead beer?
- Did you know your computer will die without recipes?
- Dieting: A way to make the ends justify the jeans.
- Dieting: The art of letting the hips fall where they may.
- Diets are a weigh of life.
- Diets are for those who are thick and tired of it.
- Difference between a dog and a fox? About 6 beers...
- Dijon vu: the feeling you've tasted that mustard before.
- Dinner is done when the smoke alarm sounds.
- Dinner: Dead animals and some stuff out of the ground.
- Dip it in chocolate, it'll be fine.
- Dipping it in chocolate will make almost anything edible.
- Disappearing recipe! (Just hit Enter. Try it now!)
- Disclaimer: All of my recipes are snagged.
- DISCLAIMER: I really should not respond to my mail before I have my coffee.
- Disgusting!
- Division is like a box of chocolates. --pentium Gump.
- Do not drink coffee in the morning or it will keep you awake until noon.
- Do you ever find yourself using good recipes in conversations?
- Do you like your Chili with or without crushed Oreos? -- Riggs
- DOC's??? Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with?
- Does Chicken Kiev glow in the dark?
- Does Thou Shalt Not snag apply to recipes?
- Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
- Don't ask ME what it is; just eat it!
- Don't diet, download a virus to remove the FAT.
- Don't eat spam.
- Don't fry bacon in the nude!
- Don't judge a recipe by it's message.
- Don't let your chips grow up to be chocolate... Willie Nelson
- Don't Mess With Me!!! It's Monday And I Am On A Diet !!!!
- DON'T read a cook book! Just WING that sucker!
- Don't say to a cop, Drunk? I've only beered 2 hads.
- Don't send flowers or candy - send a good recipe!
- Don't store garlic near other victuals. L. Long
- Don't talk to me until I've had my second cup of coffee
- Don't try to kiss a girl after eating a durian.
- Don't worry, we can get beer there.
- Don't you hate boring recipes?
- Don't you hate it when you forget a good recipe?
- Double the recipe? But my oven won't go up to 700 F!
- DOWNTIME--Coffee breaks, lunch, or Friday mentality in the office.
- Draft Beer Not People.
- Drink and drive responsibly.......don't spill your beer
- DRINK CANADA DRY! Maybe you can't, but it Is fun trying.
- Drink Canada Dry? This is going to take a while.
- Drink it like a man!
- Drink your coffee! There are poor people in India sleeping!
- Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why.
- Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where...
- Dry Ice: A Carbon Dioxymoron
- Dumb Blonde or beer bottle: both are empty from neck up.
- Easy cookie recipe- 1: Buy one bag Oreos.
- Eat CHILLI with 2 L's - it's the law in Illinois
- Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and die anyway.
- Eat my dust. -- overheard in a Crocus sativus field.
- Eat or be eaten. I love the law of the jungle!
- Eat SPAM! Save the universe!!
- Eat Spam?... All my intestines cried out at once!
- Eat the rich, the poor are tough and stringy
- Eat tongue???.. But it's been in someone else's mouth!!!
- Eat yogurt and get culture...
- Eat, drink and be merry...for tomorrow you diet.
- Eat, Drink, And Be Merry For Tomorrow We Diet!
- EchoMail: A recipe distribution system.
- Eeny Meeny, Jelly Beanie, spirits are about to speak.
- En-uff with the recipes already!!! - Slappy Squirrel
- End of recipe file. Restart, or try something original?
- English coffee tastes like water squeezed out of a sleeve.
- ERROR #5716: Unable to come up with a new recipe
- ERROR #6060: recipes not tasty. Operator taken out back and shot.
- Error 666; Cannot generate recipe
- ERROR reading FAT Table... Try Skinny one? (Y/N)
- Error! recipe not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
- ERROR: COLDBEER.CAN not found! USER.SYS not loaded.
- ERROR: opening COLDBEER.CAN Glass not ready.
- ERROR: Unable to come up with a good recipe.
- Eskimos eat whale meat and blubber. I would, too.
- Espresso: An ultra-efficient caffeine delivery system.
- Eternity is two people and a ham -- Dorothy Parker
- Even a vegetarian vampire can't get blood from a turnip.
- Even in space, booze satisfies! -- Crow T. Robot
- Ever find yourself posting messages just to show off your recipes?
- Ever find yourself reading recipes & skipping messages?
- Ever walk into a Denny's at 3 AM? Looks like the bar in Star Wars!
- Ever wanted to download pizza?
- Every educated man is a bully in a discussion. -- Beerbo
- Every fat person has a skinny one inside. He ate it!
- Every Spam is sacred, every Spam is great. -Monty Python
- Every time I go on a diet, the first thing I lose is my temper.
- Every time I lose weight, It finds me again!
- Everybody must believe - I believe I'll have another beer
- Everybody should believe in something. I believe I should have a drink.
- Everyone knows you snagged my recipe!
- Everything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.
- Ewwww...you've been eating garlic! -- Dot
- Excuse me I gotta go..the pizza man is at the door.
- Excuse me. I should like to buy a fish license please.
- Expand your mind. Eat gifted children.
- Expensive imported beer is good for the sole.
- Eye of newt, toe of frog, and a side of fries...Please.
- Eye of newt, toe of frog, dash of vermouth.
- Fact: fourteen out of every ten people like chocolate.
- Famous Last Words: Only had a couple beers; gimme my car
- Farmers play the stalk market
- Fat (n) - the stuff in food that makes it taste good.
- Feed a cold and starve a lawyer.
- Females make eggs, males make spam.
- Fibroblast: Health food binge.
- Fidonet just IS. It's a Zen thing
- File COLDBEER.CAN not found - Operator not loaded!
- First listen to sermon, THEN eat missionary.
- Fish and Ships: What sea monsters eat.
- Fish and Tempura vegetables being BATTERED! News at 11:00
- Fishing: A man's way of hiding a drinking problem.
- Flirting gets you nowhere but recipes always welcome.
- Flow Chart: A graphic of the fastest route to the coffee machine.
- For recipe insert four quarters in slot >>>
- Forbidden fruit is responsible for many a bad jam.
- Four Food Groups: Beer, Chips, Chocolate, Pretzels.
- Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your recipes!
- Frigerobics: Leaning, bending, stretching while looking in the fridge.
- FROG,n. An amphibian with edible legs.
- Frogs are smart. They eat what bugs them.
- Frosty, how was the hot chocolate? Frosty, where are you?
- Gardening law: You get the most of what you need least.
- Garfield's Eating Tip: Never eat anything that's on fire.
- Garfield's Eating Tip: Only snack between meals.
- Garlic gum is not funny - Bart Simpson
- Garlic? Mama mia! Have you got the wrong vampire!
- Gas and alcohol do mix! The taste isn't too hot though!
- Geez, I thought you might make a recipe out of it.
- Generic recipe, good for everyday use.
- Gerbil/hamster comparison: Gerbils have more white meat.
- Get a free shuggoth is every box of Sugar Coated Nyarlothopops!
- Get stoned! Drink cement!
- GI: Dressing for Halloween as a pirate. BI: Dressing as a pinata.
- GI: Feeding stray kittens. BI: Feeding stray kittens to a bear.
- GI: Finding Easter eggs on Easter. BI: Finding Easter eggs on Xmas.
- GI: Having breakfast served in bed. BI: Having tennis balls served.
- GI: Ordering a chilidog to go. BI: Ordering one that makes you go.
- Gimme a P-Nut-Butter -N- Nanner sandwich. Elvis.
- Gimmee a dolphin-burger. Yeah, in the styrofoam box!
- Ginger Ale: A drink that feels like your foot when it goes to sleep.
- Give me a tuna on rye, hold the mercury.
- Give me liberty or give me spam!
- Give my the brain on drugs, with bacon, toast & coffee.
- Given enough caffeine and chocolate I could rule the world.
- Go ahead, make my danish.
- Go ahead. Attack me with that bananna.
- God always has another custard pie up His sleeve.
- God created anchovies, Satan put them on pizza!
- God is perfect, man is not. Man made beer, God made pot!
- God said I don't want burnt fat offerings. Is he on a low fat diet?
- Goldern Jimmie, this is some serious gourmet stuff
- Goldfish don't bounce - Bart Simpson
- Goldfish don't like Jell-O.
- Good morning, Sir. Welcome to the National Cheese Emporium!
- Gorbachex: Russian breakfast cereal.
- Gosh! How did THIS ever get into the Cooking echo? <G>
- Gosh, I didn't know TEFLON could melt !!
- Got looks, got brains, even got recipes! WANT MONEY!!
- Gourmet recipes: All about Snake, Possum And Mole {SPAM}
- Grain! Hops! Barley! Sounds like breakfast to me.
- Grape Nehi - Arkansas beer?
- Grape Nuts: No grapes, no nuts! What's the deal?
- Great beer bellies are made, not born.
- Great eaters know it's the amount that counts. - Garfield
- Great recipes tempt me into becoming a kleptomaniac.
- Grits are weird.
- Grits, a good excuse for butter when you can't afford a lobster
- Grits: Cream of Wheat with an attitude.
- Grits? I would rather eat sand... Actually grits is sand.
- Guacamole: Spanish word meaning taco caulking.
- Guess I'll have to send the recipe police after ya...
- Haggis - Gaelic for roadkill
- Haggis - Gaelic for Spam
- Halloween: A Pagan holiday perpetuated by the American Dental Assoc.
- Ham on rye: Drunk radio operator
- Hand me that Spotted Owl drumstick-yeah, the one in the Styrofoam box
- Hand over the chocolate and nobody will get hurt.
- Hangover: The wrath of grapes.
- Happiness is a Warm Woman, a Hot Cycle, and a Cold Beer!!
- Hard cookies and warm soda are good for you.
- Haste cuisine (Fast French food)
- Have beer, will.....buuurrrrpppp.......party!
- Have you ever barbecued Spam on the grill?
- Have you got anything without spam?
- Have you, in fact, got any cheese here at all?
- Having a beer can't make you pregnant.
- Having a beer doesn't make you want to take a shower.
- Having your recipe snagged in this echo is high praise indeed.
- Hawaii is as American as apple poi.
- He likes his steak so rare, a good vet could save it.
- He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.
- He who dies with the most recipes had no life to start with.
- He who dies with the most recipes is still dead.
- He who dies with the most recipes wins!
- He who dies with the most recipes, leaves quite a collection behind.
- He who eats an apple a day is frowned upon by the A.M.A.
- Health food makes me sick.
- Health Tip: Red meat is good. Green, fuzzy meat is BAD.
- Health: The slowest possible rate of dying.
- Heaven hath no spam...
- Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends us cooks.
- Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends us ketchup.
- HEBREW - the **MANLY** beer!
- Hebrew: Macho glass of beer.
- Hell hath no pizza (probably no Chinese restaurants either).
- Help stamp out lite beer.
- Help! I lost all my GOOD recipes!!
- Help! The tribble recipes are multiplying!
- HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't reach my beer !!
- Herb gardeners are always looking for sage advice.
- Here, have a banana and a beer.
- Hey Rocky, watch me pull a recipe outta my hat!
- Hey! Mr. Rogers ... can you say Poblano,Serrano and Jalapeno?
- Hey! What happened to my recipe? It was here a minute ago!
- Hey, this isn't my recipe! - Who put this here?
- Hi! I'm a recipe virus! snag me! Make my day!
- Hi. I'm the recipe your mother warned you about.
- Hit Ctrl-A for greater control over your recipe's destination.
- Hitchcooking: Stabbing frozen food to speed up cooking.
- Hmm, I owe the echo (1) recipe...
- Hobby? ... HOBBY?? ... Recipe collection is a PROFESSION!!
- Hog: Corn that walks.
- Hoist a green beer...or a green milkshake, which every ap
- Hollow chocolate bunnies have no calories.
- Homer Simpson: Mmmmmmmm... Beer!
- Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
- Honey roasted .....!
- Hors d'oeuvres--a ham sandwich cut into forty pieces.
- Hot Dog: the only dog that feeds the hand that bites it
- Hot dogs -- meat that's in the Witness Protection Program.
- Hot Fudge Sundae falls on a Tuesday this year!
- How about a beer, Norm? I'm high on life... Of course, beer is my life.
- How about a tip? No messages in the recipes echo.
- How are you feeling today, Mr. Peterson?Rich and thirsty. Pour me a beer.
- How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
- How can you tell when yogurt goes bad?
- How come nobody ever tampers with Spam?
- How come pizza gets to your house faster than the police?
- How did I get so round from eating square meals?!?
- How DO boneless chickens walk?
- How do they get teflon to stick to the pans?
- How do they get the caribou to cross at the signs?
- How do they get the Teflon Coated stickers to stick to the pan?
- How do you make a cat float? ...Start with two scoops...
- How weird can one message/thread/recipe/conference get?
- How's a beer sound Norm?..I dunno. I finish 'em before they get a word in.
- How's about some *recipes*??? Coming Up!
- How's it going, Mr. P.? Poor. Sorry to hear that. No, I mean pour.
- How's life in the fast lane? ...Dunno, can't get on the on-ramp.
- How's life treating you Norm?..Like it caught me sleeping with its' wife.
- How's life treating you?...It's not, Sammy, but you can!
- How's your Moo Goo Gai Pan? Needs more goo.
- Human - the OTHER white meat!
- Hungry Dieter--May bite if provoked
- Hunka, Hunka, Chocolate Cake... Elvis Presley
- I am Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as--<BELCH>!
- I am going to post tribble recipes until everyone's brain explodes.
- I am hungry. Therefore I am. - Garfield
- I am not a recipe collector but rather a food memories collector.- M. Loo
- I am NOT a recipe THIEF. I am a recipe CONSERVATIONIST. I recycle.
- I am not aging, I am marinating
- I am the Goo-Fish! You are no match for me! -MM Power Rangers
- I am tired of reality. I am going to read recipes.
- I assume the electrified cookie jar was your idea. - Garfield
- I ate the frosting. -- Zachary Butler.
- I believe in refueling, I do... -- Crow T. Robot
- I bet there will be plenty of good recipes in heaven.
- I blitzed the hard drive. Lost all those good recipes!
- I bought some powdered water but didn't know what to add. - s.w.
- I can't believe I ate the whole thing! - Homer Simpson
- I can't believe I just bought a new HDrive for recipes.
- I can't remember which recipes are snagged and which I wrote!
- I control the world's supply of dairy products! -- TV's Frank
- I did a text file SAVE of your orig. message - Lotsa good recipes.
- I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat innards!
- I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat tofu!
- I diet religiously: I eat what I want and pray I don't gain weight.
- I DO NOT like greens eggs and ham\\\SPAM!
- I do push-ups 3 times a day...from my chair after each meal.
- I do whatever my Rice Crispies tell me to do.
- I don't care WHO you are, you're not walking on water while I'm fishing!
- I don't do jogging, it makes my beer all foamy.
- I don't eat snails, I prefer fast food.
- I don't even put beans and chile together in the same tagline!
- I don't have a beer belly! It's a gas tank for a sex mach
- I don't jog, it makes my beer all foamy
- I don't jog. It makes my beer foam.
- I don't know about this lemur. Tastes kinda gamey. -- Joel
- I don't read messages. I just look for recipes!
- I don't snag recipes, I redirect them to my hard drive.
- I don't snag recipes, I replicate them.
- I drank a beer once but I didn't swallow any of it.
- I entered this message just to use this recipe.
- I feel like putting spam on my head and cucumbers up my nose.
- I find a corkscrew handier than a gun
- I gave up chocolate - it was the hardest fifteen minutes of my life!
- I get a craving for chocolate chip ice cream that can't be controlled.
- I gotta go julliene something... -- Crow T. Robot
- I had to give up being a vegetarian because of the side effects.
- I hate dogs! Hush, and eat what's put in front of you!
- I have a drinking problem. If Jake has 5 beers and Dan has 4...
- I have a love-snag relationship with that recipe.
- I have made extraordinary 4 course meals using only a mouli & a toaster oven.
- I have resorted to turning messages into recipes.
- I haven't got a single recipe with the word -------- in it.
- I haven't got a single tagline with the word chile in it.
- I Jim, do solomnly swear on this Joy of Cooking, to tell the truth
- I just collect recipes, I don't analyze them!
- I just had one beer ocifer! A pony keg.
- I just invented garlic pizza
- I just knew I'd find a use for this recipe!
- I just need enough coffee to tide me over 'till I need more.
- I killed a six pack just to watch it DIE!!
- I knew she was gone 'cuz, I ran out of beer.
- I know how toast works! -- Tom Servo
- I learned that in bartending school. - The Continental.
- I left my good recipes in my 486.
- I like a good beer buzz early in the morning.
- I like Australian beer, said Tom, hopingly.
- I like children, if they are properly cooked!
- I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.
- I like my coffee black ... as a moonless night.
- I like my steak so rare a good Vet. could save it.
- I love animals! But they all seem to taste like chicken.
- I love cats too..... wanna trade recipes?
- I love cats. On a good night I can eat 5 or 6 of them!
- I love cats. They're pretty good when you add ketchup.
- I love children - but I couldn't eat a whole one.
- I love children! They taste just like chicken!
- I LOVE cute litle animals...especially in a good gravy.
- I LOVE fine wines! I can afford reasonably decent beer.
- I love it when a recipe comes together.
- I love spotted owls... battered and deep fried in coconut oil!
- I love the smell of recipes in the morning...
- I make *serious* coffee. Its so strong it wakes up the neighbors.
- I make wine out of raisins so it's aged automatically... - s.w.
- I need cookies! Cookies! -- Tom Servo
- I never met a lasagna I didn't like!
- I only fish on days that end with a y.
- I only have one recipe. This isn't it though.
- I ordered chocolate, not vanilla, I screamed.
- I poured beer in my rice crispies and heard Snap, Crackle & Burp.
- I put instant coffee in my microwave and almost went back in time.
- I run the convenience store on the road less traveled.
- I smell a rat. Did you bake it or fry it?
- I smoked a salmon once, but didn't inhale
- I spent most of my money on beer and women - the rest I just wasted.
- I studied Chinese philosophy...an hour later I was wondering again.
- I think that would affect my stomach more than my heart. - Calvin
- I thought of a good recipe, but forgot it!
- I too am not a recipe collector but rather a food memories collector.
- I traded a really good recipe for this one.
- I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.
- I understand the CHEEZ part, but what the hell is WHIZ???
- I use original recipes, but they originate elsewhere.
- I used to read books. Now I read recipes!
- I want to buy some cheese.
- I want to find ALL of them! So far I only have a few thousand.
- I want to learn more about baloney! - Dot
- I want to read my new poem about pork brains and outer space...
- I was on a roll till I slipped on the butter.
- I was once a Meal-Master feta taster!
- I wish you were a beer.
- I'd send you a fish if I could find one.
- I'll have a beer, and get a Bloody Mary for my friend
- I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon, toast, spam, spam and spam.
- I'll have spam, spam, a spatula, and spam.
- I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is having.
- I'll take 'Famous recipes' for $1,000, Alex.
- I'll write no recipe before its time.
- I'm a Certified Garlic Crazy.
- I'm a realist-1/2 empty of full-The glass stills need washing
- I'm afraid we're fresh out of red Leicester, sir.
- I'm Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as<BELCH>!
- I'm crabby cuz; Warm beer.
- I'm dead. Dead as a can of SPAM. * Rimmer
- I'm Don Pepperoni, the Pizza God Father
- I'm hungry for cupcakes. I dunno why. -- Tom Servo
- I'm in a gambling mood, Sammy.I'll take whatever comes out of that tap.
- I'm just carrying these worms around for the halibut ....
- I'm not that tasty. I'm mostly gristle. -- Crow T. Robot
- I'm on a garlic diet. I've lost 14 pounds and 25 friends.
- I'm PINK therefore I'm SPAM!!
- I'm so ashamed. I wrote a tribble recipe.
- I'm so hungry I could eat a vegetable.
- I'm your next door neighbour. Could I borrow a cup of recipes?
- I've fallen! And I can't reach my beer!
- I've got a BEER attitude.
- I've got to Brew Beer.
- I've got to get a simpler life... Or a bigger refrigerator!
- Ice cold beer is better than ice cold anything else
- Ice cream cones weren't sex symbols until Madonna.
- Ice Cream is a dish best served cold.
- Iced Tea, the house wine of the south.
- If a fish falls out of the sky, is that an act of Cod?
- If all else fails, try Spam.
- If brain==fried goto pizza&beer
- If Corn Oil Is Made From Corn, What's Baby Oil Made From?
- If fast food is so bad, why are the burger joints always so crowded?ÿ
- If fish is brain food, serve this man a whale.
- If fish is brain food, why do they still get caught?
- If fish kept their mouths shut, none would get caught!
- If French cooking is so easy, why the 1678 page cook book?
- If IBM's have bugs, then do Apples have worms?
- If it doesn't have garlic, it must be dessert.
- If it tastes good it's fattening - if it don't it ain't.
- If it's got jelly beans in it, it definitely ain't chili!
- If Mary had a little lamb...who the heck was the father?
- If music be the food of love why don't rabbits play banjo
- If spam is a meat, then bald is a hair color.
- If today was a fish, I'd throw it back in!
- If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy!
- If you don't like my peaches, why do you shake my limbs?
- If you don't play sports, you don't get to make beer comm
- If you fatten up everyone around you, then you look thinner.
- If you pour a beer right, you always get good head!
- If you want a lawyer recipe, the first consultation is $50/recipe.
- If your message arrives late, please keep the recipe as our free gift!
- Imitation crabmeat: Fish in the sea going, Wait! I do a GREAT crab!
- In heaven there is no beer that's why we drink...HUH?-Tom
- In Hollywood, a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk
- In my book, food should be nutrition and entertainment. - Calvin
- In recipes, good is always subjective.
- In Wine is Wisdom, In Beer is Power, In h2o are Bacteria!
- Indigestion is only fatal in Mexico.
- InGoodShape := Copy(Beer,1,12);
- Ingredients of Spam: Everything but the oink.
- Input: Food, beer, aspirin, etc.
- Instant Human: Just Add Coffee...
- Instant recipe. Just add water.
- Irish 7 course meal: a Sixpack and a potato
- Is beer like Champagne?
- Is it bad when people take your posts and make em into recipes?
- Is there an alcoholic beverage made from oat bran?
- Is there such a thing as too many recipes?
- Is Velveeta a member of the Dairy Council? -- Mike Nelson
- Isn't shrimp on a Barbie a bit kinky?
- Isn't there any other part of the matzoh they cook? --Marilyn Monroe
- It *CAN'T* be chili if its got cheetos in it!
- It doesn't say anything here about lark's vomit!
- It is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.
- It was Wine,Women & Song. Now it's Beer, The Old Lady & TV.
- It'd make a rabbit spit at a dog...Irish Proverb
- It's all in the name of science. -- Dr. Forrester
- It's all part of this nutritious war. -- TV's Frank
- It's an uptown recipe, living in an uptown conference.
- It's bold enough to bulldog your taste buds! -- Tom Servo
- It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese.
- It's either illegal, immoral or fattening!!
- It's hard enough to come up with recipes. You want a message too?!?
- It's not a beer belly. It's a fuel tank for a sex machine
- It's probably a bad day when, you find a dead fish in your underwear.
- It's Spam, Jim, but not Spam as we know it- Bones AKA Dr. McCoy
- It's the stealth pizza man. -- Crow T. Robot
- It's too late, @LN@. He's spammed.
- J!:*#/g_lqer{ 8ry]@jvBnjjj (recipe courtesy of my three year old neice)
- Japanese say Americans are lazy? HAH! At least we cook OUR fish.
- Jesus turned water into wine....the ultimate party guest!
- JJJ!!!!:*#/g_lqerJJJJJJ!!!{ 8ry]@jvBnjjjjj (Jaeda's recipe)
- Judgement of beauty can err, what with the wine and the dark. -Ovid
- Just don't think I love you only for your recipes...
- Just gimme the killer B's...Beer, Blues, BBQ & BBros!
- Just hit A to activate your recipe Tractor Beam.
- Just ran out of original recipes. Looking for donors.
- Keep America Beautiful - swallow your beer cans.
- Keep Canada Beautiful. Swallow your beer cans.
- Kernel knowledge: Having your way with a jumbo box of popcorn.
- LAW OF FAST FOOD: Cheap, Fast, Good. - Choose any two.
- Laws are like sausages, it is better to not see them made.
- Lawyers could be an important source of protein.
- Lean books are often larded with the fat of others' works
- Less talk -- more recipes!
- Let me say again: That recipe file is *gigantic*.
- Let's get some beer and dynamite and go fishing.
- Librarian Party: Bring your own books and beer.
- Life is the variety of spice.
- Life is too short to drink cheap beer.
- Life is too short to drink cheap wine.
- Life is too short to eat boring food.
- Life just dished up some spam. -Opus
- Light year: A regular year with less calories.
- Like, I think my bottle absorbed my Beer, eh.
- Lions and Tigers and Bears? We're LUNCH!
- Live fast, die young, and leave a fat, bloated, ugly corpse!
- Live fast, die young, and leave a fgood looking corpse!
- Lobster: A great excuse for eating a pound of butter.
- Lock the doors, everyone freeze, my recipes are gone.
- Loin: Not fat.
- Look! Mouseburger and french flies! -- Beavis
- Looking for a few good recipes.
- Looks like I picked a bad week to give up beer.
- Loose all that ugly FAT download a virus TODAY!
- Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!
- Man can not live on beer alone. But it's sure fun trying.
- Man does not live by coffee alone. Have a Danish!
- Man Vs. Beer: A beer wouldn't waste its money on Playboy.
- Man, I get weirder things than you in my breakfast cereal!
- Mandatory recipe affixed per FidoNet Policy 4.9.2.
- Mandatory recipe omitted; moderator gone berserk. Story at 11:00.
- Many a good message ends with a bad recipe.
- Marching to a different kettle of fish.
- Mary had a little lamb...with some white wine and a tossed salad.
- May your glass never be empty & your life always bubbly.
- Meat is murder, Frank... -- Dr. Forrester
- MEAT SUBSTITUTE(n): examples: soybeans, vibrators
- Melted Fruit Snacks on Keyboard. Delete Children? (Y/n)
- Melts in your mouth, bulges in the mirror.
- Men learned to walk upright cause they put beer on the top shelf.
- MESSAGE (n): recipe carrier.
- Microfiche: Extremely small French fish.
- Missionaries: The other white meat.
- Mmmm... Roast Leg of Insurance Salesman!
- Mmmmmmmmmm forbidden doughnut! Ahm uhm ahm
- MMMMMmmmmmm.. Foot-long Chili Dog! - Homer Simpson
- MNP=Modemers Need Pizza
- Modem: How a Southerner asks for seconds.
- Moderator sighted, insert random on-topic recipe.
- Moosehead: Great beer, and a new experience for the moose.
- Most idiots don't make up their own recipes, but I do.
- Must get Moose and Squirrel! - Boris & Natasha
- My favorite brand of beer? Whatever SHE'S buying!
- My hard drive lost it's FAT on a crash diet.
- My life is like a beer commercial.
- My low-fat diet really works! The fat hangs lower every day.
- My specialty......Kraft dinner.
- My Spell Checker says there is no such thing as Chop Suey.
- My Spell Checker says there is no such thing as Tofu.
- My sysop erased the good recipe before you could read it.
- Nervous: Asking which wine goes best with fingernails.
- NEVER ask what hot dogs are made of!
- NEVER drink and use an electric mixer at the same time!!!
- Never drink coffee that's been anywhere near a fish.
- Never eat a hedgehog without peeling it first.
- Never eat children! You don't know where they've been!
- Never eat more than you can lift.
- Never eat prunes when you are famished.
- Never eat the last cookie.
- Never feed your kids anything that clashes with the carpet..
- Never open your own restaurant.
- Never program and drink beer at the same time.
- Never raise your hand during a hijacking to show you get a kosher meal!
- Never take a beer to a job interview.
- New recipe Found! [S]nag, [C]ook, [I]ncease garlic?
- New restaurant on the moon : cool, but no atmosphere...
- News headline: Milk drinkers are turning to powder.
- News headline: Quarter of a million Chinese live on water.
- No man can scoop a meal out of a can as that man can. - Garfield
- No Nicking, Nibbling, or Finger Dipping Allowed in my Kitchen.
- No no, chocolate goes in the North. Massage oil goes in the West!
- No one expects the Spamish Repetition! Spam Spam Spam!
- No one goes to that restaurant anymore- it's always too crowded.
- No woman ever shot a man while he was doing the dishes.
- No! A Martinus, if I wanted a double, I'd ask for it. - W&S
- No, I've not found the Master Universal recipe File.
- No, it doesn't come with bloody wafers!
- Nobody knows the truffles I've seen.
- Nothing cures a case of nerves like a case of beer.
- Now accepting any GOOD recipes!
- Now Eating: Cream Cheese, green olives on bagel.
- NOW from Ralston Purina! Human-flavored Dragon Chow!
- Now, would you be a gentleman and send me a couple of recipes???!!
- Of course I can cook, but I never do it on the first date!
- Of course I have a recipe. Why do you ask?
- Oh, a rhetorical post? Okay, this is a rhetorical recipe....
- Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it -- Tim
- Ohhhhhh...ET must be into the beer again....I'm drunk!
- OK kids come and get your Bambiburgers-hey why is everyone crying?
- Ok. So I'm not very good at thinking up recipes.
- Okay, Quaker, let's have it: name, rank, and cereal number.
- Okay, who ordered the Mount Bellyache Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae?
- Old days: Wine, Women, Song. Now days: Coffee, Computers, CD's.
- On a beer day, you can pee forever.
- On eclair day, you can eat forever.
- One beer gets me drunk...usually it's the 14th one.
- One cannot be wise on an empty stomach
- One chocolate donut is worth 1000 bran muffins.
- One dead unjugged rabbit fish later...
- One more *%^%$^@! spam recipe and I get violent.
- One more bowl of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs.
- One rabbit stew coming right up! -- Bors
- Only a test. Had this been an actual recipe...
- Ooooohhhh! I hates rabbits. -- Yosemite Sam
- Oops, I think Daddy burned the spam again!
- Oops... Tried to snag my own recipe!
- Operator out of coffee. Recipes may become irrational.
- Opie and his therapist go fishing... -- Tom Servo
- Oregano: The ancient Italian art of pizza folding.
- Organ transplants are best left to the professionals - Bart Simpson
- Origin of Life? Just check my refrigerator ...
- Originality: posting a snagged recipe at least one reader has never seen.
- Out of the mouths of babes often comes oatmeal...
- Overeating: What makes you thick to your stomach.
- Overweight just sort of snacks up on you.
- Overweight? I prefer to say I'm chocolate-enriched.
- Own three week old gefilte fish -- Go to Jail.
- Oxymoron: decaffeinated coffee
- Oxymoron: English chef
- Oxymoron: lite dark beer.
- Oxymoron: Non-alcoholic beer.
- Pastaplegic: Person who can't move after eating too much spaghetti.
- Patience is waiting for pizza to thaw. - Garfield
- Peanut butter crackers are a *must* while _I'm_ Modeming!
- People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals. L. Long
- People with cute nicknames should be used for food...
- Pessimist: looks at the Land of Milk & Honey; sees cholesterol and calories
- PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
- Petition Hormel to make Spam out of Barney.
- Ph.D. stands for Pepper-head Dude, right?
- Phobia -- what you have left over after you drink two out of a 6-pack.
- Pick two: [1] Fast [2] Tasty [3] Cheap
- Pickle: A cucumber soured by a jarring experience.
- PIE, n. An advance agent of the reaper whose name is Indigestion.
- Pizza - it's not just for breakfast any more!
- Pizza IS the four food groups!
- Pizza: It's not just a food group, it's a way of life.
- Pizza: Nature's perfect food.
- PKLite Beer?
- Plant zucchini only if you have lots of friends.
- Please do not offer my god a peanut! -- Apu
- Politically correct healthy chili has yogurt and tofu in it? <UGH>
- Pour beer into your SmartModem & make your Baud Wiser!
- Powdered water -- just add ... hmmm ...
- powered by coffee, pizza, and chocolate.
- Preserve wildlife - pickle a hedgehog!
- Press + to see another recipe.
- Press <Ctrl-Alt-Del> now to access the Spam recipe file section
- Press ALT-F for the French Version of this bilingual recipe.
- Press PLAY+REC to save this recipe.
- Principles have no real force except when one is well fed. - Twain
- Protect your bagels. Put lox on them.
- Protein: In favor of young people.
- Proving that snagged recipes are the sincerest form of flattery.
- Prunes are raisins on steroids.
- Put a lot of little marshmallows in your hot chocolate.
- Q: Why do blondes hate M&Ms? A: They're too hard to peel.
- Quick, call the food police.
- Quite an interesting recipe. Think I'll take it with me.
- Rabbit au gratin de gelatine under tooled leather... drool, drool!
- Ram's Bladder Cup. Now, what sort of confectionery is that?
- Rap is to music what Hot Dogs are to cuisine.
- Rat cake, rat sorbet, rat pudding, or strawberry tart.
- Read any good recipes lately?
- Real computers don't eat cache.
- Recipe voting: [ ] 5 star { } very good [ ] good [X] bad
- Recipes are `bout as much fun as you can have with your jeans on.
- Recipes in good taste? How 'bout good tasting recipes?
- Red eye special - A double espresso with a shot of coffee.
- Red meat is bad for you -- fuzzy green meat is even worse.
- Red meat is good for you. Fuzzy blue-green meat is BAD for you.
- Red meat isn't bad for you. Fuzzy blue-green meat is.
- Redneck Menu Conundrum #1: What wine goes with Moon Pies?
- Redneck Menu Conundrum #2: What wine goes with possum?
- Refried beans -- why couldn't they fry 'em right the FIRST time?
- Religions change. Beer and wine remain.
- Remember the immortal words of Socrates: I drank what?
- Remember, the current burger wars are making tacos cheap!
- Revenge is a dish best served...with stuffing instead of potatoes!
- Revenge is a dish best served...with tangy Miracle Whip!
- Rhubarb: A kind of celery gone bloodshot.
- Righteous Gump.....You've Lost That Box of Chocolates.
- Road Kill Cafe - Today's Special: Poodles `N Noodles
- Road Kill Cafe - Today's Special: Squished Squirrel
- Road Runner: Fast Food
- Roast Barney with Smurf Stuffing... Guaranteed to kill diabetics!
- Romulan ale no longer to be served at diplomatic functions.
- Rotisserie: A Ferris wheel for chickens.
- Rule #05: Everyone must buy the moderator chocolate.
- Run for the toilet! Taco Bell's done it again!
- Rye?....Rye not!
- S&M's candies: they taste HORRIBLE! But I like 'em!
- Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger. - Abbie Hoffman
- Sage advice: To cook well, learn all about spices.
- Salvation is only a Beer Bottle away.......
- sAUCE, n. The one infallible sign of civilization and enlightenment.
- Sauerbraten: Moody children.
- Save the ALES!
- Save the whales -- they make great leftovers!
- Scotty, beam me down another beer!!! (BUURRP!!)
- Screw the mug, give me a caffeine I.V. !!!
- Sea World...Sushi lovers go straight to the source!
- Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force.
- Separate two eggs? Why are they fighting?
- Serial Port - Red Wine on Grape Nuts...
- Set phasers on Cajun Style.
- Set phasers on Habanero
- Sex and chocolate: better together than separate!
- Sex and food ain't everything, there's booze too!
- She's a chiliholic, and she just can't help herself.
- Shepherd's Pie = 3.141592653589793238462643383279... sheep
- Should we eat him or bury him? -- Crow T. Robot
- Should'a never had those little Vietnamese peppers... -- Nelson
- Show me the glen where the kippers roam free.
- Show respect for age. Drink good Scotch for a change.
- Shut up and eat your Durian (in memory of Stephen Ceideburg)
- Sign at bake sale: Cakes - $.66 Upside down cakes - $.99
- Silly Hooker. Trix are for Magicians!
- Silly Kid. QWKs are for readers!
- Silly rabbit . . . Tricks are for hookers!
- Six pints of bitter. And quickly please, the world's about to end
- Sleep is a poor substitute for caffeine.
- Slugfest: An escargot cook-off.
- Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
- Snap, Crackle and Pop found dead, Cereal killer suspected
- So Frosty, how was the hot chocolate? Frosty, where are you?
- So how long, exactly, have you had the delusion that you were a cook?
- So how many points do I get on my cooking license? <G>
- So many recipes ... so little thyme!
- So who put spam in *your* cornflakes this morning?
- So why IS, a carrot more orange than a orange?
- Some days, I'd kill Flipper for a good tuna sandwich.
- Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, others gargle!
- Some is good, more is better. Too much is just right.
- Some like it hot, some like it cold; I like it chocolate!
- Some mornings, sex is almost better than coffee.
- Some people gain weight by having intimate dinners for two...alone.
- someone left the cork out of my lunch. W.C. Fields
- Sometimes the garbage disposal gods demand an offering of a spoon.
- Sometimes you get beer, sometimes beer gets you
- Sometimes you have to wake up and smell the Spam.
- Sorry, no recipe. Check back next week
- Soybeans and dildos are meat substitutes.
- SPAM - Squirrels, Possum and Mice.
- Spam -- canned meat you'll SCREAM for!
- SPAM doesn't kill people - it outlives them.
- Spam for me, please, with a side of crunchy frog.
- Spam Kinison -- canned meat you'll SCREAM for!
- Spam Spam Spam Spam Bacon Eggs Spam and Spam
- Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam jobs and spam - Bush
- Spam Spam Spam Spam, Spammity Spammmm, Spam, Spam, Spam...
- Spam! Lovely spam! Beautiful spam!
- Spam! The wonder substance! -- Joel Robinson
- SPAM(n): Acronym for Snake, 'Possum, and Mole.
- Spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam and spam.
- SPAM...(S)crap (P)ork, (A)in't (M)eat
- Spam.... It's not just for breakfast any more.
- Spam...it is the devil's work!
- SPAM...[S]pecially [P]rocessed [A]nimal-flavored [M]atter.
- SPAM: Slime Posing As Meat -Jay Leno
- Spam: Sound pig makes hitting bottom of elevator shaft.
- SPAM: Subsentient Protoplasm Approximating Meatloaf
- Speaking of durian leftovers -- have you checked your post office box?
- Sponge cake recipe: First borrow 3 cups of flour...
- SPONGECAKE: Dessert made of borrowed ingredients.
- Sport Fisherman: spends $1000 on equipment to watch $20 worth of fish.
- Spotted Owl Tastes Just Like Bald Eagle
- Spotted owl tastes just like chicken! Yum!
- Squirrel gravy and grits. Only the pure would understand.
- squirrel: Just a cute tree rat with a good PR agent.
- Squirrels LOVE peanut butter balls!
- Squirrels swim on their backs to keep their nuts dry!
- Squirrels! All we really are is squirrels.
- Squirrels, the other white meat.
- Stack Overflow: Too many pancakes.
- Start a download. Get a beer. Multitasking.
- Start mail download. Grab a beer. Watch some football: Multitasking.
- Stay away from the barbecue sauce! -- Crow T. Robot
- Steak is my ally! Butter does my bidding! -- TV's Frank
- Stick you head in the microwave and get yourself a tan!
- Stress relief tip: Pop some popcorn without putting the lid on.
- Success is making it to the top of the food chain!!
- Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have.
- Sure, drinking kills brain cells...but only the weak ones!
- SUSHI: Known to the rest of the world as 'Bait'.
- Swim nude. Sharks hate to peel their food.
- Taglines in good taste? How 'bout good tasting taglines?
- Take a congressman to lunch. You will need a tenderizer.
- Taste first, ask questions later....
- Tasteless recipe attached to pointless message.
- Ten chocolate sundaes. I'm in a really bad mood. --Q.
- Teutonic: Not enough gin.
- Texas 7-course meal -- a bowl of chili and a six-pack
- Top o' the food chain to ye!
- Tortilla: Lawyer's lunch choice.
- Try some of the Persian... No, I'll just split a diet Tabby.
- Try to explain a chocolate soda to today's youth.
- TV DINNER: Food that tastes like it was prepared by the TV repairman.
- TV Truth: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females.
- TV Truth: Mothers actually worry about brands of peanut butter.
- Twas a brave man who first ate an oyster...or an egg.
- Twinkies do not have a half-life;they just keep going and going.
- Twinkies have a half-life, but Ding Dongs are eternal
- Twinkies have a half-life, but Velveeta is eternal.
- Two beers times 37 men = 49 cases.
- Unable to find COLDBEER.CAN... SysOp not loaded!!!
- Unless it affects the price of chocolate, it has no bearing on my life.
- URA redneck if a waiter asks for a wine choice and you say Budweiser, 95
- URA Redneck if Thanksgiving was ruined because you ran out of ketchup.
- URA Redneck if there's a ham hanging from your front porch.
- URA Redneck if you eat 'chitlins', 'grits', or frank-and-beans frequently.
- URA Redneck if you ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
- URA redneck if you stare at a can of orange juice becuase it says concentrate.
- URA Redneck if you think a turtleneck is key ingredient for soup.
- URA Redneck if you think Espresso is a courier service.
- URA Redneck if you think French onion dip is an exotic tobacco product.
- URA Redneck if you think Paprika is a third world country.
- URA Redneck if you thinks rabbits are food, not pets.
- URA Redneck if you're famous for your homemade squash wine.
- URA Redneck if you're holding a beer in your wedding picture.
- URA Redneck if you've ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
- URA Redneck if your idea of health food is pork rinds.
- URA Redneck if your wife has a beer belly and you find it attractive.
- URA Redneck if: You can have sex without spilling your beer.
- URA Redneck: you see an animal and your 1st thought is That's good eatin'
- Useless Invention: A freezer for Eskimos.
- Useless Invention: Cat flap for the fridge.
- Useless Invention: Dehydrated water.
- Useless Invention: Freeze Dried Water.
- Useless Invention: Low salt brine.
- Useless Invention: Low-calorie PowerBar.
- Useless Invention: Reduced calorie water.
- Useless Invention: Sugar coated insulin.
- Vegetarian's Peace Rally Sign: No Cukes! Give Peas a Chance!
- Vegetarian: Indian word for lousy hunter!!!
- Vegetarians eat vegetables - beware humanitarians!
- Venezuelan Beaver Cheese? Not *today*, sir, no.
- Wait while I look up Unicorn. No sense shooting it if it's extinct.
- Waitress! (glare) This roadkill is not properly aged!
- Want A Free Lunch, Get Elected to the U.S. Congress.
- Wanted dead or alive ... one pink rabbit with a drum.
- Warning! COLDBEER.CAN found, programmer probably loaded.
- Warning! This recipe fails CRC check!
- Watermelon--it's a good fruit. You eat, you drink, you wash your face
- We *ALL* start with 0 recipes. ... Then, we all {*urp*} grow! :-)
- We dine well here in Camelot; We eat ham and jam and Spam a lot!
- We eat ham and jam and spam a lot!
- We hired you to babysit & you cooked and ate them BOTH?!?
- We might remind cats that our ancestors wore theirs.
- We need perfection in our lives ... We need *perfect* recipes!
- We're for a good time not a long time - Beer drinker's motto
- We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl...
- We're Looking for a Few Good Claws
- We're PROFESSIONAL chefs. Do NOT try this at home!
- Weasel, the other yellow meat.
- Weed it and Reap. American Vegetable Association.
- Welcome to the SICK and DEMENTED recipes Conference.
- Well, that's no ordinary rabbit! -- Tim
- What does eating have to do with Spam? <baffled look>
- What flavor milkshake? -- Food Dispenser Beer. -- L
- What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art.
- What happens when your fortune cookie contradicts your horoscope?
- What the hell. Go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket.
- What's the meat in it? Perfectly Normal Beast.
- What? Isn't 40 bajillion recipes enough for you? Greedy greedy!
- What? You actually cook these recipes?
- When a poor man eats a chicken -- one of them is sick.
- When did my wild oats turn to shredded wheat?
- When I read about the evils of drinking I gave up reading.
- When life gives me lemons, I make orange juice. I mess up everthing.
- When Pigs fly, they will be called PIGeons!
- When your chocolate bar melts in the fridge... You're in Texas!
- where can I find a spell chequer for reicepes?
- WHITE BEER: A Trailer Park of Flavor in Every Bottle
- Why are Chinese fortune cookies written in English?
- Why are you carrying that fish around? For the halibut..
- Why beer is better: Eating cucumbers to forget doesn't work.
- Why beer is better: it's always in season.
- Why don't cannibals eat clowns? They taste funny!
- Why don't many cats swim? Why don't many fish fly?
- Why is it raining fish? * Rimmer
- Why remember recipes when you can make them up?
- Women go on diets. Men just eat less ... and grow fat.
- Work is for people who don't now how to fish.